Commercial Roofing 101 – Protecting Your Business!


When it comes to commercial buildings, the roof is more than a mere structural component; it's a shield that protects your business from nature's elements. The significance of robust commercial roofs goes beyond their protective role; they also contribute to the building's energy efficiency and curb appeal. Reliable roofing companies understand these factors and use their expertise to offer suitable solutions.

Understanding the Basics of Commercial Roofing

Commercial roofs, with their flat or low slope surfaces, differ considerably from residential roofs. Their size, installation process, and materials vary, making their construction and maintenance a task for professional roofing companies. Commercial roofing materials range from EPDM, TPO, and PVC to metal, each bringing unique benefits. For instance, EPDM roofing is durable and weather-resistant, while metal roofs offer longevity and a sleek, modern look. Understanding these options is the first step towards making an informed decision.

The Installation Process

Installing commercial roofs is a complex process that involves meticulous planning, precise execution, and industry expertise. The project starts with a thorough assessment of the building's structure, climate considerations, and the owner's budget and preference. Based on these, roofing companies propose the most suitable roofing system.

The cost and timeline of the installation depend on the material, the roof's size, and the specific challenges of the project. However, entrusting this task to experienced professionals can ensure a smooth, efficient process and a roof that stands the test of time.

Essential Commercial Roofing Maintenance

Once installed, a commercial roof requires regular maintenance to preserve its functionality and aesthetic appeal. Commercial roofing maintenance involves routine inspections, cleaning, and addressing minor issues before they escalate into significant problems. Ignoring this crucial step can lead to premature roof degradation and costly repairs.

Roofing companies often offer comprehensive maintenance programs. These can include regular inspections, drainage cleaning, and prompt repairs, helping to extend the roof's lifespan and maintain its optimal performance. 

Commercial Roofing and Energy Efficiency

Commercial roofs play a critical role in a building's energy efficiency. The right roofing material can reflect solar heat, reducing the cooling load and leading to significant energy savings. For instance, TPO and PVC roofing membranes are known for their excellent reflective properties.

In an era where sustainability and energy conservation are paramount, commercial roofs can contribute significantly to these goals. By opting for energy-efficient roofing solutions, businesses can lower their operational costs and reduce their carbon footprint, making this a worthwhile investment.

Navigating Commercial Roof Repairs and Replacement

Even with the best maintenance practices, there comes a time when commercial roofs need repairs or even replacement. Identifying the signs of roof damage early can save businesses from excessive repair costs or unexpected roof failure. Water leaks, increased energy bills, and visible roof damage are signals that immediate attention is required.

When it comes to repairs or replacement, working with experienced roofing companies is invaluable. These professionals can conduct a thorough roof assessment, advise on the best course of action, and execute the required services to restore the roof's integrity.

Choosing the Right Commercial Roofing Service

The choice of a commercial roofing service can make a significant difference in your roof's quality and longevity. When selecting a contractor, consider factors like experience, customer reviews, and the range of services they provide. A reputable roofing company should be able to offer comprehensive services, from installation and commercial roofing maintenance to repairs and replacements.

Ask potential contractors about their previous projects, insurance coverage, and warranties offered. These questions can provide insight into their capability and reliability, ensuring you entrust your roofing project to capable hands.


Commercial roofs are vital to the integrity, safety, and efficiency of any business facility. Their importance makes it crucial to engage professional roofing companies that can provide quality roofing solutions. With proper installation and diligent commercial roofing maintenance, your roof can remain robust and efficient for years to come.

Remember, the roof that protects your business is a testament to your brand's strength and quality. So, don't compromise on it. Choose quality commercial roofing services and let your roof be the fortress that safeguards your business!

Be Aware of These Summertime Roofing Problems!

Every season brings its challenges, even when it comes to roofing.

With springtime around the corner and the sweltering Texas summer heat arriving soon afterward, roofers recommend that homeowners pay attention to signs that could mean there is damage to their roofs.

Contact a roofing contractor to investigate these summertime roofing concerns before substantial damage is caused and costly repairs become necessary!

  • Clogged Gutters - Keeping gutters functional with twice-yearly cleaning is essential to prevent the water damage that can happen in the summer from clogged gutters. Roofing contractors often see water damage caused by poor drainage due to gutters filled with leaves when the summer storms come. To prevent it, gutters should be cleaned every fall and then again every spring, before the rainy season starts. 
  • Leaks - When the summer storms come, so do the leaks. Whether due to the force of torrential rain, unknown damage from over the winter, or an aging roof that needs replacement, roofers get many calls for help during summer months when the most rain falls. 
  • Mildew and Algae - High humidity and frequent storms can promote mildew and algae growth on some roofs. Both can slowly eat away at the roofing materials. If either are present, hire a roofing company to do a professional cleaning to remove destructive and unsightly mildew and algae before it can cause serious damage. 
  • Poor Ventilation Issues - Adding to the moisture-related issues that are prevalent during the sweltering Texas heat, poor attic ventilation can cause everything from black mold growth in the attic due to condensation, to blistering and cracking shingles due to overheating. 
  • Pest Issues - With the warmer weather also comes insects and other pests. Birds building nests, termites, ants, wasps building hives, and many other pests can cause all sorts of damage to a roof during the summer months.

Noting all these roofing issues that become more common during the summer, roofing contractors do have one good bit of advice that can help most homeowners.

Practice good roofing maintenance that includes frequent observation and regular gutter cleaning and hire a roofing company to do a periodic roofing inspection.

These are the two best ways to watch for summertime roofing problems or even stop them before they happen.

A local roofer who can help with maintenance and any necessary repairs is the best way to get through the hot, humid Texas summers with the least amount of roofing damage!